Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How the Emperor started the Whole Star Wars Saga

As Yoda would say there can only be 2 siths; a Master and a apprentice but we cannot be sure of who really started the whole saga in Star Wars; we need to examine one individual that ties the strings from both videos and that individual would be Palaptine. At the beginning of this individual; he was Senator on Curosant he supervised everything but he did not grasp politics or power during the invasion of Naboo, he also hides in the mean time whenever he does not have anything to work on as a dark lord so the Jedi cannot discover him; since he controls the dark side under mysterious circumstances; in a way the Jedi thought the Sith was extinct at the time of the invasion; under mystery he has been working with the people responsible for the invasion the Trade Federation; he has the power to twist the invasion to a war that could last forever. He also had a apprentice that has a strong connection to the dark side that will continue into other individuals into the future. In the beginning Senator Palaptine persuaded the Queen of Naboo to vote for a new chancellor to bring back power to the senate. The vote choose him to be the next Chancellor which it could change him forever. He send his apprentice to distinguish the first 2 Jedi Obi Wan & Qui Gon; as it turns out the tide turned and his apprentice was immediately killed in a lightsaber duel but before he died; he send Obi Wan's master to the force. Palapatine knew it was no fair loss; he began to extend his interest in young Anakin Skywalker after that.

          In the second movie Palapatine was Chancellor he now controls the senate with a iron fist; his first act as Chancellor he put motion to vote to create a grand army of the republic to fight against the Separatist movement. The vote went into motion and his army were actually clones for him to control during the Clone Wars. He became a father figure to Anakin which made Obi Wan suspicious as well as the Jedi. Every time he needed help; he would talk to Anakin alone, he even put seeds in young Skywalker telling him that he is more powerful than the Jedi; in a way he is playing with Anakin's emotions even his dark emotions that could change his destiny for years to come.  Palpaltine's second apprentice was Count Dooku under dark scruntiny  this time the Jedi noticed the dark side was within the Chancellor; with his time in the senate he gained more power than any other individual that could significantly change as the Clone Wars progress. Anakin & Obi Wan eventually fought Count Dooku during the War but he escaped to live another day.

As the Clone Wars progressed; the dark side contniued to grow stronger in Palpaltine; he persuaded Anakin to join the dark side; now we find out that it was palpaltine that started the whole thing; he has more power since has control over the Senate and the courts; he choose Anakin to be his next apprentice as Lord Vader, he started the whole war to gain more power; now he became corrupted with the darkside. His force lightning disfigured his body & mind. He planted more dark thoughts inside Anakin to betray his old master and to turn his back to the Jedi. He send Lord Vader to slay the last remains of the jedi inside the temple. Palpaltine made him to become Darth Vader the dark lord of the sith.

We don't see much of palpaltine in the New Hope; he eventually reappeared in the Empire Strikes Back in a hologram projection. He warned his apprentice of Vader's son that could become a jedi just like his father was, they both plan to send his son to the darkside which did not work at all. Within the last movie; Palpaltine became the evil Emperor. He persuaded to Luke that the darkside was the ultimate power to save his friend's lives. Luke knew that was a lie, he had saw what became of his father becasue of him, if it weren't for the Emperor Anakin would have been alive. Luke could sense inside that Anakin is still alive. The Emperor said it's too late for him. That made a tipping point inside Luke that cause him to fight his father one last time. The Emperor was delighted at the outcome, when Luke denouce the darkness; he became enraged and assaulted him with the same force lightning that caused Palpaltine to become his evil self. Vader made a huge mistake of having to keep his master alive; so threw him down the core shalft causing him to explode and die.                         

Monday, May 6, 2013

Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader "Father vs. Son"

Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader "Father vs. Son"

During the battle of Yavin; Vader senses that pilot is strong with the force; he is unaware that pilot can be the key to the skywalker destiny. After the Death Star exploded; it lead to a rebel victory. Vader is now convinced by the emperor that pilot of which blew up the Death Star is his flesh & blood. Vader devised a trap by using Luke's friends to send him to Cloud City. Vader thought that he could make his son to be a dark Jedi; just like him in his early days.

By the time Luke landed in Cloud City; Vader is ready for him in the carbonite chamber. Luke is not yet a jedi both Yoda & Obi Wan warned him of not going, he will be suspectible to the dark side. Luke insisted of going since his friends are in danger; but it became a trap for him and his friends are the bait; he is now on his own without Kenobi & yoda to help. Within the carbonite chamber; a battle insued; Luke thought that he won't go to the darkside even when Vader tounted him during the battle of giving in his anger. Luke remained clam; in the later portion of the battle; Vader used the force by sending objects at the inexperienced jedi and deflected him through the window. Luke knew that he is starting to weaken throughout the battle; he kept on fighting, Luke hit Vader's shoulder and Vader chopped off luke's swordhand. At that moment; Vader revealed himself as his real father. Luke could not believe in it since Vader is more machine than man.

Years later; Yoda told Luke that Vader is indeed his father; so it's up to luke since he is the last of the jedi to save his father from the darkness the emperor created within Anakin. The emperor declared it's too late for Anakin to be saved; in protest he is forced to fight his father once more. Luke is far more stronger than from his previsous battle on Cloud City. This time the son chopped off his father's hand the same way his father did on Cloud City on Luke. Like father, like son. The emperor is delighted at the outcome but Luke turned the corner of denoucing the darkness; that cause the emperor to become enraged and lashed out with force lightning at Luke. Vader killed Palpatine to save his only son and died as the result from the force lightning.   

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Obi Wan Kenobl vs. Anakin Skywalker (aka Darth Vader)

The very first time on Mustafar; the battle between the Jedi and the sith; were locking horns to the fight of death. Anakin has turned to the dark side his jealously and lust for power made him a cold and a very formidable foe. His anger is in full power when he saw his former mentor. Obi Wan told him it's not too late to change it to come back to the light. Anakin had enough of it, both Anakin and Obi Wan were caught on furious combat. Obi Wan is not only trying to save his former friend and student, but trying to stay alive since he is the only jedi left; so the fight has turned to save the last of the jedi. Throughout the fight; Anakin's dark powers made him more stronger; Obi Wan admitted that he failed Anakin, Obi Wan got the better advantage and won the fight. Anakin got transformed by his hatred on his former teacher, he is bound for revenge in round 2.

On the Death Star in the New Hope; the battle has reserved to Vader's advantage. No longer human; he became Darth Vader. The situation has been reversed since the first battle on Mustafar; when Obi Wan chopped him in the first battle; Vader send it back and chopped his former mentor, friend and brother to the force. Vader has been avenged from his revenge.

Vader than set his sights on his son on the next blog